Dungeon Keeper Wiki



This fiery fiend is eager to be unleashed!  Embracing the power of the flame, this Immortal deals additional damage to any targets that are on-fire, and is even healed by fire damage!  Training this Immortal will increase the power of his "Charring Bite" ability (which sets his target ablaze), the amount of additional damage dealt to targets on-fire, and decreases his susceptibility to Freeze Traps.  Tip - This Immortal can be targeted by the attacking player's Dragon Breath Spell!

This is a new Immortal for the higher level players.  While the 50,000 combat points to recruit it won't be a problem for most mid-level or higher players, the requirement that your dungeon be level 200 will be.  His attack and defend behavior: Deals additional damage to targets on fire and is healed by most fire damage, including the Dragon Breath spell.  You need a level 7 Guard Post to recruit Magmaw.


Seeks Closest Room
Charring Bite Sets target on fire for 3s-6.5s
Strength 1.2x-3x damage to targets on fire
Weakness 100-200 damage from Freeze Traps
Passive Healed by Fire
Creature Targets Ground
Attack Speed 1s
Move Speed 350
Defensive Location Guard Post
Offensive Priority Minions > Rooms | Traps

Tip: Can be targeted by the attacking player's Dragon Breath Spell to heal.

Training Upgrades[]

Fireburst Trap = Extra Fire Damage to targets on fire
Freeze Trap = Extra Damage taken from Freeze Traps

LVL DMG HP Fire Time Fireburst Trap Freeze Trap Training Time Training Cost Special
1 695 1,200 3s 1.2x 200 - 50kCombat Points -
2 710 1,290 3s 1.2x 200 6h 22MGold -
3 725 1,380 3s 1.2x 190 12h 24MGold -
4 740 1,470 3s 1.4x 190 1d 26MGold -
5 755 1,560 3.5s 1.4x 190 1d 12h 28MGold -
6 770 1,650 3.5s 1.4x 190 2d 30MGold -
7 785 1,740 3.5s 1.4x 180 2d 12h 32MGold -
8 800 1,830 3.5s 1.6x 180 3d 34MGold -
9 815 1,920 3.5s 1.6x 180 3d 12h 34.5MGold -
10 830 2,010 4s 1.6x 180 4d 35MGold -
11 845 2,100 4s 1.6x 170 4d 12h 35.5MGold -
12 860 2,190 4s 1.8x 170 5d 36MGold -
13 875 2,280 4s 1.8x 170 5d 12h 36.5MGold -
14 890 2,370 4s 1.8x 160 6d 37MGold -
15 905 2,460 4.5s 1.8x 160 6d 12h 37.5MGold -
16 920 2,550 4.5s 2x 160 7d 38MGold -
17 935 2,640 4.5 2x 160 7d 12h 38.5MGold -
18 950 2,730 4.5s 2x 150 8d 39MGold -
19 965 2,820 4.5s 2x 150 8d 12h 39.5MGold -
20 980 2,910 5s 2.2x 150 9d 40MGold -
21 995 3,000 5s 2.2x 150 9d 12h 40.5MGold -
22 1,010 3,190 5s 2.2x 140 10d 41MGold -
23 1,025 3,280 5s 2.2x 140 10d 12h 41.5MGold -
24 1,040 3,370 5s 2.4x 140 11d 42MGold -
25 1,055 3,460 5.5 2.4x 140 12d 42.5MGold -
26 1,070 3,550 5.5 2.4x 130 12d 12h 43MGold -
27 1,085 3,640 5.5s 2.4x 130 13d 43.5MGold -
28 1,100 3,730 5.5s 2.6x 130 13d 12h 45MGold -
29 1,115 3,820 5.5s 2.6x 120 14d 46MGold -
30 1,130 3,910 5.5s 2.6x 120 14d 47MGold -
31 1,145 4,000 6s 2.6x 120 14d 48MGold -
32 1,160 4,090 6s 2.8x 120 14d 49MGold -
33 1,175 4180 6s 2.8x 110 14d 50MGold -
34 1,190 4270 6s 2.8x 110 14d 51MGold -
35 1,205 4,360 6.5s 3x 100 ? 52MGold -
36 1,245 4,610 14d 1000Dreadstone Large DMG boost
37 1,295 4,860 16d 1500Dreadstone +0.2x damage to targets on fire (3.2)
38 1,335 5,110 18d 2000Dreadstone +25% Healing from Fire Damage (x125%)
39 1,375 5,360 20d 2500Dreadstone +0.3x damage to targets on fire (3.5)
40 1,405 5,610 22d 3000Dreadstone Increases own effectiveness for 2s every 15s

Total: HP: 5,610 | DMG: 1,405 | Now takes 50% less damage from Physical sources, is now healed for 150% of Fire Damage, and increases his own Effectiveness for 2s every 15s