Dungeon Keeper Wiki
Poison Trap

Poison Trap


"You created quite a...unique smell Keeper." This fungi definitely won't give you a 1-up, but it will help to get rid of those pesky Warlocks cowering behind walls too scared to come out into the open. Deliciously vile spores coat all enemies that come near to poison their adorable dark hearts.


  • Poisons enemies, it does initial damage then a damage over time effect
  • Effective against Warlocks
  • No effect on SkeletonS, Bile DemonS, or Swampus
  • Does damage to Guild Minions, even though they are a skeleton in appearance
  • Often used to defend Treasuries and Quarries from Warlocks
  • Its damage against Trolls is quite low, though the trap can be used to pull them


Targets Ground & Air
Damage Type Poison
Number of Targets Unlimited
Attack Speed 3s
Attack Range 2 Tiles
Status Effect Poison
Status Damage 5
Status Rate 1s
Status Duration 4s

Traps Available[]

Workshop Traps Added Max Traps
Level 4 2 2
Level 6 2 4
Level 8 2 6
Level 12 1 7
Level 14 1 8
Level 19 2 10


Level Damage Health Build Time Cost (Stone) Workshop Required
1 21 325 1h 20k Level 4
2 25 480 4h 50k Level 4
3 30 660 8h 150k Level 4
4 34 915 16h 350k Level 4
5 39 1,100 1d 800k Level 4
6 43 1,295 1d 12h 1.5M Level 4
7 47 1,410 2d 2.8M Level 4
8 52 1,555 2d 12h 3.5M Level 4
9 56 1,680 3d 4.8M Level 4
10 60 1,800 4d 5.8M Level 4
11 64 1,920 5d 12M ?
12 68 2,040 6d 16M ?
13 72 2,160 7d 20M ?
14 76 2,280 8d 24M ?
15 80 2,400 8d 28M ?
16 84 2,520 9d 32M ?
17 88 2,640 9d 36M ?
18 92 2,760 10d 40M ?
19 96 2,880 10d 44M ?
20 100 3,000 11d 48M ?
21 104 3,120 11d 50M ?
22 108 3,240 12d 52M ?
23 112 3,360 12d 54M ?
24 116 3,480 13d 58M ?
25 120 3,600 13d 62M ?
26 124 3,720 14d 64M ?
27 128 3,840 14d 68M ?
28 132 3,960 16d 72M ?
29 136 4,080 16d 76M ?
30 140 4,200 18d 80M ?
31 148 4,440 30d 300




+1 Range

Note - Max level is 31